I added this category late in the game. Consequently, a few authors and novels that ought to be under this heading are scattered around elsewhere in this list.

Chief of those, of course, would be the Left Behind novels by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. Right now those are at the top of this list, under Jerry's name.

Another example would be Sigmund Brouwer's trilogy, The Last Disciple, The Last Sacrifice, and The Fuse of Armageddon (all co-written with Hank Hanegraaff). This series is listed above, in the Christian Science Fiction category.

Going forward, new end times fiction will be placed here.

Paul Meier

These aren't new books, but somehow I missed them before now.

The Secret Code is billed as "prophetic fiction," so I guess this is as good a category for it as any.

All of these books, with the exception of the first one, were co-written by Robert Wise.

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