Time travel stories have thrilled us for over a century, at least since H. G. Wells' The Time Machine.

Here are stories of time travelers and alternate histories by some of the most creative thinkers writing in Christian speculative fiction today.

Geralyn Beauchamp

T. L. Higley

Tracy (who is female) has written some excellent novels in the speculative category. She's great in all aspects of writing, but I think she really shines when she has stories that take place in historical eras.

Tracy's Fallen from Babel was a time travel novel that constituted one of the four books we launched Realms with.

Watch for a new series from Tracy through B&H.

Douglas Hirt

Doug's Cradleland Chronicles is a great envisioning of life at the beginning of mankind's time on earth.

RiverOak, who published this series, is trying some innovative things with podcasting for these books.

Randall Ingermanson

I wrote about Randy in the Christian Science Fiction section, but since several of his novels are more accurately time travel, I've put them here.

Transgression won a Christy award for excellence in Christian fiction.

Gilbert Morris

Gilbert Morris is a well-known author of Christian historical novels, but he has also written speculative fiction. Though there are several genres represented here I've put them all under this one category.

The Omega Trilogy is technothriller fiction that he co-wrote with Lynn and Alan Morris. The Far Fields is a fantasy series co-written with Robert Funderburk, that is now out of print. The other series are all for young adults. (Complete series not shown)

Fallen Stars, Bitter Water
[out of print]
Seven Golden Vials
[never released]

Nancy Moser

Nancy is best known for her women's fiction and thrillers, but two of her novels are clearly speculative. Time Lottery won the Christy Award for the visionary category. I was honored to be her editor.

Brian Reaves

Brian is a young writer with a bright future in Christian speculative fiction. His Portal is a self-published novel about friends who invent a time machine and try to repair their past mistakes.

I think Brian's real forte is in supernatural thrillers but so far none of those novels of his has been published.

Jeremy Robinson

Jeremy Robinson writes time travel novels with a great premise. His first novel, at least, is one of the fine POD (print-on-demand) titles I'm proud to promote.

Note, though, that he tends to use profanity in his fiction.

Rick Sutcliffe

Rick's Web site, Arjay Books, attracts lots of hits and scores very well on Google searches. He has some good information on Christian SF and fantasy novels there. Rick is Canadian and is a professor of mathematics and computing science at the university level.

His Interregnum series is "alternate-history Irish-flavoured Christian science fiction" that "deals with a variety of technology and ethical issues in thought-provoking plots set on alternate earths." How cool is that?

As far as I know, Rick's series is the only Christian alternate history fiction on this list. Certainly it is one of the few, and I applaud his efforts both as a novelist and a Web advocate for Christian speculative fiction.

Note that the The General and The Nexus are available only as e-books. The first three are are also available through Amazon as print versions. Volumes 6 and 7 are in development.

The General [available here] The Nexus [available here]

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