Those of us who love Christian speculative fiction are sometimes frustrated because we think nothing is being or has been published in the genres we like. A trip to our local Christian bookstore does not usually disabuse us of this notion.

But the truth is there are hundreds of Christian novels in the genres we love. The current version of this list has over 400 titles. Some are old, some are new, and some are yet to be published. Many you will have heard of. Some may be new to you.

One way to tell Christian publishers that we want more of this kind of fiction is to buy the Christian speculative novels they do publish. These genres are a risk to them, you see. They are way outside the box and, frankly, many speculative novels that have been published have not sold well at all. This tells publishers not to publish more in those genres. By purchasing what they do publish, we tell them there is a market out there for Christian speculative fiction. Let's send that message loud and clear.

I have the pleasure of knowing many of these authors. Some of these novels I have had the great honor of editing. And some I even acquired, effectively "discovering" some fantastic new voices in the Christian speculative fiction community.

This list begins with important figures in the modern era of Christian speculative fiction. Then it moves on to what you'll find in each of the major genres of Christian speculative fiction. It concludes with a sampling of classics in the genre and, finally, links to sites of our brothers and sisters exploring Christian speculative media in exciting new directions.

I have made every effort to be accurate in this list but no doubt I have made mistakes or left off authors or novels that should be here. It is my desire to make this the finest list of its kind on the Web, so please don't hesitate to contact me with corrections and suggestions.

Read on and enjoy.

Frank Peretti

Let's start with the man whose fiction gave birth to Christian fiction in the modern age, Frank Peretti. Before him, the shelves didn't have much more than Janette Oke, Catherine Marshall, and C.S. Lewis. Fine fiction, for sure, but not entirely broad.

It is worth noting that the novel that ushered in the modern era of Christian fiction was clearly Christian speculative fiction.

Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins

Another watershed event both for Christian fiction and for Christian speculative fiction was the release and subsequent popularity of the Left Behind novels.

Christian novelists owe much to LaHaye and Jenkins (the latter especially, since he did most of the writing). As with Peretti, with the success of these books came a new openness from Christian publishers and, more importantly, Christian bookstores to Christian fiction.

It's worth noting that once again the thing that advanced Christian fiction was a speculative tale. More than any other type of fiction, speculative fiction best belongs to Christian writers and readers. It's our native language.

Ted Dekker

The new kid on the block, relatively speaking, is Ted Dekker. Ted's creative speculative ideas, rock star persona, and aggressive marketing efforts have broadened the popularity of Christian speculative fiction even further.

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