Wayne Thomas Batson

Wayne is one of a new generation of authors writing Christian fantasy for the youth/teen/young adult market. This is his The Door Within trilogy.

Joseph Bentz

Joseph's fantasy novel is now out of print, but you can find copies online.

Chuck Black

Chuck is another author writing youth/young adult Christian fantasy. This is his Kingdom series.

This series is essentially the entire Bible written as a fantasy. Cool, huh? Kingdom's Reign is the book of Revelation.

Gene Curtis

Gene's novel is one of the fine POD (print-on-demand) titles I'm proud to promote.

In this fantasy, sword-wielding magi fight for Good.

Bryan Davis

Bryan is a Christian fantasy novelist with a lot of marketing savvy and energy. His Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire novels have succeeded largely because of his extensive speaking schedule where he addresses home school groups and local libraries. He's also a skilled craftsman in the craft of fiction. His books are for a youth audience.


F. W. Faller

Fred's Portals of Tessalindria fantasies didn't get the exposure they deserved. Check them out.

L. B. Graham

Another novelist writing Christian fantasy for young people. This is his Binding of the Blade series.

One striking feature of this series is that the cover illustrations are done by the legendary Larry Elmore, of D&D and TSR fame.

Leathel Grody

With a name like Leathel this guy's got to be someone to be reckoned with, wouldn't you think? And Leathel certainly is. He's an author, a Web design genius, and a computer game designer.

His Web site dedicated to Christian science fiction and fantasy is easily the coolest-looking such site on the Web.

And who's ever heard of a Christian MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game)? Well, he's designing one! Check it out.

I'm very impressed with Mr. Grody. He's definitely a kindred spirit.

Here are his novels, the Foundations of Hope trilogy. Books 1 and 2 are due out in paperback in May 2007. Book 3 is coming soon. The fourth book listed here is the hardback edition of book 1 in the trilogy.

Book 3 [coming soon]

Karen Hancock

Each of Karen's first four novels won the Christy Award in the visionary category. That's an impressive feat and tells you how good her fantasy is.


Bill Hand

Robin Hardy

The first three below constitute The Annals of Lystra, with the following three being The Latter Annals of Lystra.

Sharon Hinck

Sharon has published some fun (and a little speculative) chick-lit fiction with Bethany House. But her first love is Christian fantasy. With no contracts and only the love of her stories burning in her, she wrote the entire manuscripts for her Restorer trilogy.


Caprice Hokstad

Caprice's fantasy novel is one of the many fine POD (print-on-demand) titles I'm proud to promote.

Christopher Hopper

Christopher was one of the Fantasy Four authors that made their book tour in summer 2007. These novels comprise his White Lion Chronicles.

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L. A. Kelly

L. A. "Leisha" Kelly is the author of some Depression-era historical fiction, but this series is inspirational fantasy.

Russell Kirkpatrick

Russell is an an interesting guy. He's a professional mapmaker (which comes out in his world-building) and a New Zealander, to boot. This series, "The Fire of Heaven" trilogy, was originally released in Australia/NZ but has now come to the U.S. I've been told he's a Christian author and these are Christian novels. They look fun.

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Stephen Lawhead

It would be easy to argue that Stephen Lawhead ought to be placed in the category of industry-shaping giants of Christian speculative fiction. His Pendragon series was among the first I discovered in Christian bookstores. Some of the images from Taliesin--the bull leaping, for instance--stick in my mind to this day.

Stephen has moved on to mostly secular publishing now, as this is where he's found a larger audience. But his origins are with us and he has still provided some of the most wonderful Christian fantasy of the modern era. His novel Byzantium, though technically a historical and not speculative, is still the finest Christian novel I've ever read.

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Carole McDonnell

Carole's fantasy novel is one I looked at while acquisitions editor at Realms and NavPress. Excellent writing and bold vision, and by an African-American woman author, to boot! 

This novel is being published by a secular publisher but it's Christian through and through. Check it out.

Maureen Doyle McQuerry

Maureen's YA fiction is fun because it takes its imagery and themes from fairy tales. Not the Disney kind, but the original Grimm's kind, or the kind from Celtic mythology, in which there really are monsters and in which singing princesses get quickly eaten.

The title of the first novel, for instance, comes from the story of the three little pigs.

Calvin Miller

Calvin Miller is best known for his Singer trilogy of poetry, which every Christian should read.

But he has also produced a fantasy trilogy called The Singreale Chronicles. Though mainly for a youth audience it is still an interesting read for adults.

And he is coming out with a new series from B&H: The Kinta Chronicles.

Kathleen Morgan

Kathleen is the author of the Guardians of Gadiel fantasy series, the second of which is currently in publishing limbo.

R. K. Mortensen

The Landon Snow novels are an exciting new series for young readers (ages 9–12).

The awesome covers are done by none other than Kirk DouPonce of Dog-Eared Design, who designed the graphical look of WhereTheMapEnds.

David Murray

David is a talented illustrator and author.

Check out his Web page to see the awesome animated intro for the book.

This novel is targeted to young readers.

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Jeffrey Overstreet

Miles Owens

It was my great pleasure to bring Miles to the reading public. I "discovered" his fantasy fiction while I was at Realms. Daughter of Prophecy became one of the four novels (and the only fantasy) that we launched Realms with. It was also my pleasure to be his editor.

I have, hanging on my wall in my home office, an oversize poster of the original Cliff Nielsen illustration we commissioned for Daughter of Prophecy. Miles remains one of my favorite Christian fantasy authors.

Calling of the Halfhand
[coming soon]
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Ronald G. Patterson

Ron's Ballad of Penumbria series is a historically rooted fantasy retelling of the story of the church from Christ's first advent and on through to the Millennial Kingdom.

Donita K. Paul

Donita's cover for DragonSpell was the first cover I'd ever seen that told me someone in the publishing industry might actually get Christian fantasy. Donita's books are for a youth audience.

George Bryan Polivka

The Trophy Chase Trilogy is new fantasy with a seafaring theme, from Harvest House.

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Jonathan Rogers

Jonathan is another author writing youth/young adult Christian fantasy. This is his Wilderking series.

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Jefferson Scott

Jefferson Scott is one of my best friends. In fact, I know him like a brother. More accurately, I know him as myself. Because he's me! Jefferson Scott is my pen name.

Since this is my Web page I get to tout my own writing occasionally. You'll see the name listed again later in the list. But if I could be known as anything as a Christian novelist, my goal would be to be known as an author of Christian fantasy.

My own epic fantasy trilogy--Fog, Fire, and Foe--is the book of my heart. You can read the prologue and first chapter here, though I'm rewriting and may throw some or all of that out. But it's a good taste of the world.

Gregory Spencer

These appear to be young adult fantasies. They are published by Howard Books, a Christian publisher.

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G. P. Taylor

Graham is a Brit dark Christian fantasy. His first two novels co-released in the U.K. first and then in the US through Penguin/Putnam for secular publishing and Realms for the Christian market.

Randall Thorn

This is a Christian fantasy set in the Dark Ages.

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Lars Walker

Michael D. Warden

Michael has created a fascinating world in which words themselves contain devastating magical powers.

Wayfarer [not published]

Linda Wichman

Briar's Rose [coming soon]

Thomas Williams

The Seven Kingdoms Chronicles is a fantasy series for young readers.

Note that The Bride of Stone is listed as being authored by T. M. Williams. That novel is actually a prequel to The Crown of Eden.

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