Where the Map Ends AwardsBack in January 2007 WhereTheMapEnds subscriber Sherry Thompson said she was going to nominate WTME for the Truly Useful Site Award at Preditors & Editors, a great resource site for writers of all kinds. In late February I received notice from Preditors & Editors editor, Dave Kuzminski, that I had been chosen to receive the award for February.
Here is a portion from the award notification letter: Congratulations! Your site was nominated and later selected as the latest recipient of the Preditors & Editors' Truly Useful Site Award. Your site will be honored on a Preditors & Editors' Sites of Distinction page along with a link to your site. As well, you are entitled to display our award on your site. Again, our congratulations go out to you on your success in creating such an outstanding site. How cool is that? Thank you, Sherry, and thank you, P&E editors! If you know of any awards WhereTheMapEnds might be considered for, please visit the Contact page and drop me a note. In the meantime I urge you to visit Preditors & Editors Sites of Distinction page and the other great pages at their site. |